Roll Over Persistent Monthly Charges

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Roll Over Persistent Monthly Charges

NOTE:  These charges are keyed in as Supplies

The Roll Over Process:

At the beginning of each month, after you have 1) entered any discharge dates for the previous month and 2) added any items for new patients in the previous month, go to Billing Other Roll Over Persistent Monthly Charges to copy the charges from the previous month to the first day of the current month for all active patients. The top of the screen will show the count of charges for the previous, current, and next month.

  • The example below is being ran during the month of September 2023. It shows the previous month has a total of 600 charges and current month has zero. 
  • The 'Month to be copied forward' will copy all charges to the next month. This example will copy all 600 charges for August forward to September -- minus any discharged patients that have been updated in the referral. 
  • Enter a Program is optional. 
  • Clicking 'Copy Charges Forward' will automatically copy the charges and show you how many charges were added. 


This page offers helpful reports to view charges and troubleshoot issues. Select the month to run for the reports. 

Use the 'Print Duplicated Charges' and 'Check Charges for Errors' to clean up issues. 

Edit / Clean up Charges Use the following article to add, edit or remove entries. Adding entries typically needs done when new patients added to the system and before rolling over charges

Add/Change/Delete Supply Charges (Instructions, Supplies) (

After the rollover is done, you will need to Post Charges To AR

Post Charges to AR (Accounts Receivable, Billing, Post Amt Billed) (

The billing is created and sent to NC Medicaid like usual.

Bill Medicaid Claims (All Other Billing, Billing, BillingBasics, Claims, Medicaid) (

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Last Modified:Monday, June 24, 2024

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