Add/Change/Delete Supply Charges for Patients

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Add/Change/Delete Supply Charges for Patients

Follow these instructions to enter supplies into Barnestorm Office when Point-of-Care is not being used for supply documentation.

From Main Menu click on the Supplies tab from left panel, click on Supply Charges. The top pane is used to enter supplies and the bottom pane is used to view the supplies already entered.

Add Supply:

  • Change the Charge Date to date supply was delivered to the patient.
  • Enter the Employee name or number of who delivered the supply.
  • Enter the Patient name or number.
  • Select the correct Program/Payer code.
  • Enter the Supply code and the Quantity that was left with the patient.
  • From here you can click on Cancel/Clear or Save.
  • Once you save the entry it will appear in the bottom pane.

Change Supply:

  • From bottom pane change the From and Thru as the Charge Date for the supply.
  • Enter the Employee and/or Patient code of the entry.
  • Click on Refresh. A list will generate to the right of all entries entered with the criteria you gave.
  • Click on the entry you want to change.
  • From the top pane make the changes and click on Save.

Delete Supply:

  • From bottom pane change the From and Thru as the Charge Date for the supply.
  • Enter the Employee and/or Patient code of the entry.
  • Click on Refresh. A list will generate to the right of all entries entered with the criteria you gave.
  • Click on the entry you want to delete.
  • From the top pane click on the Delete button.

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 13, 2024

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