A List of Duplicate Reports and/or Articles Deleted

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A List of Duplicate Reports and/or Articles Deleted

Below is a running list of reports that were duplicates or replaced with a different report.  We will list the report that has replaced any deleted reports.  Contact Barnestorm if you have any issues with a deleted report.

Old Report   New Report   Article # if Available 
Reports > 485 > 48.03 485 Tracking Reports > 485 > 01.19 485 and VO Tracking 50608
Reports > 485 > 48.06 Detail List of 485s Reports > 485 > 01.19 485 and VO Tracking 50608
Reports > 485 > 48.07  Expiring 485s by Discipline Reports > 485 > 01.34 Expiring 485s 50662
Reports > 485 > 48.08 Expiring 485s Reports > 485 > 01.34 Expiring 485s 50662
Reports > 485 > 48.09 Expiring 485s by Case Mgr Reports > 485 > 01.34 Expiring 485s  50662
Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.50 AR Detail by Name Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.08 Selected Detail 51151
Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.54 Posting Summary by Mo    Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.11 Totals By Prog PA Code    51274
Reports > Assessment > Incomplete Nursing Assessment Reports > Assessment > 30.02 Assessments Not Locked+Chg 51132
Reports > Audit > 01.88 Patients W/ Blank County Reports > Audit > 07.01 Verify Admit and DC Dates 50421
Reports > Audit > 01.89 Patients W Incorrect County Reports > Audit > 07.01 Verify Admit and DC Dates 50421
Reports > Audit > 07.50 10% of Active CAP Patients Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  51147
Reports > Audit > 07.51 10% of Active Home Health Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  51147
Reports > Audit > 07.52 10% of Active Hospice Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  51147
Reports > Audit > 07.53 10% of Active PCS Patients Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  51147
Reports > Audit > 07.54 10% of Inactive CAP Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  51147
Reports > Audit > 07.55 10% of Inactive HH Pts Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  51147
Reports > Audit > 07.56 10% of Active Inactive Hospice Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  51147
Reports > Audit > 07.57 10% of Inactive PCS Patients Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  51147
Reports > Billing > 04.56 Track Billing Batches  Reports > Billing > 04.06 Claims Created Summary 50578
Reports > Billing > 04.58 Visits Add/Mod after claim dt   Reports > Billing > 14.16 Visits After EOE 51028
Reports > Doctor > 08.52 All Doctors Reports > Doctor > 08.28 Print Doctor Report
Check box for Doctors and Print by Name   
Reports > Doctor > 08.53 Doctors with Active Patients Reports > Doctor > 08.28 Print Doctor Report
Check box for Doctors and Only Doctors With Active Patients
Reports > Doctor > 08.54 Doctors without NPI Reports > Doctor > 08.28 Print Doctor Report 
Check box for Doctors and Print Doctors with no NPI
Reports > Doctor > 08.57 Physician List Reports > Doctor > 08.28 Print Doctor Report
Check box for Doctors
Reports > Doctor > 08.55 Expire Doctor List Reports > Doctor > 08.28 Print Doctor Report 
Check box for Doctors and Licenses That Expire
Reports > Employees > 03.50 Active Emp. by Date Hired Reports > Employees > 08.23 Print Employee List (format B) 50390
Reports > Employees > 03.51 Active Employee Job/Rev/Team Reports > Employees > 08.23 Print Employee List (format A) 50401
Reports > Employees > 03.52 Active Employees Exclude Cont Reports > Employees > 08.23 Print Employee List (Agency bullet)   50401
Reports > Employees > 03.55 Employee Contact List Reports > Employees > 08.23 Print Employee List (format C) 50401
Reports > Employees > 03.56 Employee Email Reports > Employees > 08.23 Print Employee List 50401
Reports > Employees > 03.58 Employee Mileage Summary Reports > Employees > 02.10 Mileage Summary  
Reports > Employees > 03.59 Employee Phone List Reports > Employees > 08.23 Print Employee List (format D) 50401
Reports > Employees > 03.67 Employee Visit Summary List Reports > Employees > 02.15 Employee Visit Summary  
Reports > Employees > 07.57 Employee by Zip Reports > Employees > 08.23 Print Employee List (format 8) 50401
Reports > Hospice > 19.53 Discharged Hospice Pt Reports Reports > Patient > 01.06 Select Program for Hospice, Report Content L DC Summary  
Reports > Hospice > Hospice Census Reports > Patient > 01.06 Select Program for Hospice, Report Content M Hospice Census  
Reports > Hospice > 19.52 All Pts Hospice Facility Stay Billing > Other > Hospice Patient Location, select date range, All Active Hospice patients  
Reports > Hospice > 19.59 Pt Admissions to Hospice Reports > Hospice > 19.06 Hospice Beneficiary by HIC  
Reports > Misc > 21.57 Pending Care Coords Care Coordination > Print CCN Reports 51056
Reports > OASIS > 13.50 Medicare OASIS WOut HIPPS Reports > OASIS > 13.51 Missing HIPPS Code 51099
Reports > OASIS > OASIS Completed, Not Locked Reports > OASIS > 13.05 OASIS Tracking 50642
Reports > Patient > 01.58 Active Patients (Format G) Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail
Use format G
Reports > Patient > 01.53 Active Patients Census Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  
Reports > Patient > 01.77 All Patients (Format N) Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  
Reports > Patient > All Patients with Acuity Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail  
Reports > Patient > 01.84 Fall Risk Assessment Reports > Audit > 07.05 Fall Assessments  
Reports > Patient > 01.86 Med Updates for Pts Reports > Audit > 07.04 Medication Changes 50643
Reports > Patient > 01.87 On Hold Patients Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail
Check the On Hold bullet
Reports > Patient > 01.88 Patient Addresses Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail
Use format 3 
Reports > Patient > 01.91 Patients Birthdays Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail
Use Birthdays bullet
Reports > Patient > 01.92 Patients by Team# Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail
Use Team filter or sequence 3 and format 3
Reports > Patient > Active Patient Emergency Info (report broken)
Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail
From and Through date today, check Active Patients, Report Content 6
Reports > Referrals > Patients w/out Referred By Reports > Referrals  > 01.08 Referral Counts
01 Counts by Referral Source
Reports > Referrals > 51.03 Annual Referrals by Doctor Reports > Referrals > 01.07 Referral Detail (by Doctor's Name)   
Reports > Referrals > 51.07 Pts Referred Not Admitted Reports > Referrals > 01.07 Referral Detail (by Non-Admit)  
Reports > Referrals > 51.14 Referral Summary by AdmitType Reports > Referrals > 01.08 Format 04 50348
Reports > Referrals > 51.15 Referral Summary by County Reports > Referrals > 01.08 Format 03 50348
Reports > Referrals > 51.16 Referral Summary by Type Reports > Referrals > 01.08 Format 01 50348
Reports > Referrals > 51.19 Referred, Not Admit - Pending Reports > Referrals > 01.08 Format 09 50348
Reports > Visits > 01.55 Active Patient with 0 Visits Reports > Audit > 07.01 Verify Admit and DC Dates 50421
Reports > Visits > 02.65 Unlocked Visits Reports > Assessment > 30.02 Assessments Not Locked+Chg 51132
Reports > Visits > 02.57 List of Incomplete Visits Reports > Assessment > 30.02 Assessments Not Locked+Chg 51132
Reports > Visits > Visits Locked/Not Lock+Chg Reports > Assessment > 30.02 Assessments Not Locked+Chg 51132
Reports > Visits > 02.52 All Unlocked Assess for PPS Reports > Visits > 02.58 OASIS Visit Assessments  51293
Reports > Visits > 02.55 Duplicate Visits

* Broken/ Inaccurate

Reports > Employees > 02.01 Overlapping Time, Check for Overlapping Visits per Patient  50816
Reports > Visits > 02.61 Payer Revenue Summary #1 Reports > Agency Data > 09.01 Source of Revenue Reports 50357
Reports > Visits > 02.63 Print Visit Imported No replacement report  
Reports > Visits > 02.70 Visit Reference by Employee Reports > Visits > 02.06 or Assessment > 30.04 50564   51132
Reports > Visits > 02.71 Visit Reference List Reports > Visits > 02.06 or Assessment > 30.04 50564   51132

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Last Modified:Thursday, August 17, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 4,411 times.
