Select Random Patients for Audit
Use Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail to print a random list of active or discharged patients for audit purposes.
Active Patients
- Check the bullet for Active Patients and make both the From and Thru date as the current date.
Combo of Active and Discharge Patients
- Check the bullet for Active Patients and use the From and Thru date to select all patients that were active between those two dates. If the patient was discharged between the two dates they will show up as well.
Discharge Patients
- Check the bullet for Discharges.
- Select the range of dates for discharged patients.
- Enter the program and payer numbers as needed.
- Select the report content you want to pull up.
- Check the box towards the bottom to “Print a random selection”.
- Check the bullet for either Count or PerCent.
- Enter a number for the number of random patients you want topull up or the number of percent you want to draw.
- Click on Print.