02.01 Overlapping Time

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02.01 Overlapping Time

How to Run the Report

This report will search for overlapping visit / non visit time per employee or patient.  From Barnestorm Office > Employees > 02.01 Overlapping Time.

From / Thru = The date of the visit /non visit time.

Program(s) / Employee(s) = Filter report by entering program and/or employee number(s). Or leave blank to select all.

Employee(s) to Exclude = Enter the four digit employee number of the employees you DO NOT want to appear on the report.  Leave blank to select all.

Exclude Contract Employees = Check this box if you want to exclude any contractors from the report.  These are employees who have ** in the first two positions of the Vendor Number within the Codes > Other Basic Codes >Employee screen.

Use Assessments Only = Select this if you only want to compare assessments entered in Point of Care only.  This one will NOT look for visit entry charges keyed into Barnestorm Office.

Use Charges Only = Select this if you want to compare visit entry charges keyed into Barnestorm Office (Employee Activity > Visit Entry) and not in Barnestorm Point of Care.  Agencies that only have Barnestorm Office will use this option.

Use Assessments and Charges = Select this if you want to compare both visit entry charges keyed and assessments –from Barnestorm Office and Point of Care.  

Check for Overlapping Visits per Patient = When checked the report runs by patient overlapping time instead of by employee.  Good for checking for duplicate visits. 


How to Read the Report

Time In / Time Out = The day, date, time of the visit / non visit entry.

Mins = Totals minutes of the time in /out.

Description = The visit / non visit description.

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Last Modified:Monday, October 17, 2016

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 4,626 times.
