08.28 Print Doctor Reports

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08.28 Print Doctor Reports

We have several different options to select from when pulling doctor information.  This report can be located from Barnestorm Office> Reports > Doctor > 08.28 Print Doctor Reports.  The left side of the screen are optional pieces to pull.  The right side is how to sort the report or what information will be pulled.

Active Codes Only: When checked -  this means doctor/facility codes that do not have a termination date will appear on the report.  This date is located under Codes > Other Basic Codes > Doctors, click the License Numbers at the bottom of the page.  If the Doctor/Facility Codes Inactive As of has a checked box and a past date, then the doctor is considered terminated. 

Doctors (ReferralType = 00):  When checked it will only include codes that are marked as Physician type.   This is found under Codes >Other Basic Codes > Doctors.  The Type drop down list has several options to choose from.  Doctors should have 00 Physician selected.

Non-Doctors (ReferralType > 0):  When checked this will include any codes that are not marked as a 00 Physician.   These would be your different facilities or Other. 

Only Doctors With Active Patients: This will only print doctors that currently are assigned to an active patient.  If the doctor has a termination date entered they will not show up on this list.  

Print 2nd Address Line: This adds Address Line 2 of the Doctors code to the address list.

Audit Reports to Run:

05 - Print Doctors With No NPI – As needed, pull these doctors up from Codes > Other Basic Codes > Doctors and click the Validate using NPPES button to verify the doctors information.

06 - Print Duplicated NPIs– to see if any doctors are duplicated or incorrect NPIs are entered.

08 - Codes That Have Never Been Used – Use this if you have a very large doctor list and want to get rid of some codes that have never been used.

09 - Print Doctors With PECOS = N - Use this to print a list of doctors that are marked as PECOS not enrolled 

10 - Print Episodes Where Doctor Has PECOS = N - This will give you a list of episodes being held due to PECOS enrollment.  

Use this link to delete all codes never used at once: http://kb.barnestorm.biz/KnowledgebaseArticle50994.aspx

Or to delete select doctors, use this article: http://kb.barnestorm.biz/KnowledgebaseArticle50276.aspx

Here is a related article to help with PECOS compliant:

PECOS Options in Barnestorm http://kb.barnestorm.biz/KnowledgebaseArticle50577.aspx

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Last Modified:Friday, October 07, 2016

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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