EVV - EVV Visits Verify

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EVV - EVV Visits Verify

EVV Status:  The EVV Status will show the verification date if verified successfully. If the visit has been sent multiple times it will only show the most recent date. 


Only EVV Payers: Select EVV Payers dropdown list and click All EVV Payers. This will remove payers that are NOT straight Medicaid where the visits go directly to Sandata. This will remove payers like MCO Medicaid, private insurance, and VA, so that you can focus on straight Medicaid only.


Double-click will send pending visits / resend already verified visits: We have activated the option so that you can send a visit to Sandata with double-clicking. Double-click a visit and the EVV Status column will show the status as sending (see GIF below). Stay on the EVV Visits screen (do not change dates or patients) until you receive the green verified status or orange Send Failed.

Edit a visit already verified: After modifying the visit and clicking on the Update Visit button, the verify process will run to send the visit to Sandata.


Other Verify Information


Barnestorm is set up to send visits to Sandata nightly. The weekdays will go back 30 days to pick up visits in the pending, send failed or verified visits that were modified. 


The weekend verification will go back 60 days in case of older visits were completed late or modified. 

Resolve Sandata Errors Article 

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Last Modified:Monday, December 23, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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Article has been viewed 446 times.
