Resolve Sandata Errors

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Resolve Sandata Errors

From the EVV Visits screen you can check the "Show EVV Status" checkbox to locate any errors that need to be corrected.  The error list
below will walk you through on how to fix errors using Barnestorm Office. 

Note: if the send failed shows with an stx error message, this typically means the EVV Visit was already sent but a response was not received due to timing out. Double clicking the visit will help clear the message. 

Sandata Error Type       What to do  

ClientFirstName Verify invalid characters are not in the patient referral for their name.

*Characters allowed: A-Z ‘ . – space



Invalid Medicaid ID

If the Medicaid HIC number starts with a number other than 9, this is an old Medicaid number.
Contact the patient or NC DHHS to get the new Medicaid ID.

*Ignore If payer is non-Medicaid, or does not need to be sent to Sandata aggregator. 

*Client Medicaid ID value FORMAT: 10 CHAR ALPHANUM.

*Do not use dashes 

*HIC# field is blank or invalid. 

ClientPhone format


Invalid Patient Phone#
Number listed for patient or contact needs to have area code plus 7 digits. You can list phone numbers in home, cell,
or contacts, so if you don't see the incorrectly formatted number in Referral, check Contacts.

*Make sure invalid characters are not used; ie. Letter O instead of number zero.

*Only use dashes, no other characters. Do not use parenthesis around the area code.

*Do not add 1 in front of the phone number.

ClientAddressLine Referral, check for invalid characters in the address in the Referral.

*Characters allowed: Alphanumeric _ . ‘ - # , / space
*Max of 30 characters 

Client Not Found -
Must have been previously
received from payer to be
updated via ALT-EVV
Try double clicking the visit from the EVV Visits screen.  If that does not work then proceed with the following... 

Check the Sandata Aggregator Active Client report to see if the patient has been loaded. 

This is the guidance from NC DHHS for any of your patients that have this error when validating:

If you are experiencing any issues with your clients loading into Sandata or missing clients and have already contacted Sandata Customer Support Team you may send an email to

Include:  Patient Medicaid ID and service (CAP or PCS, for example)

** You will need to open a ticket with Sandata related to this issue.  Please provide Barnestorm with the date and chart so that we can provide Sandata with a JSON file.

Employee SSN  Add nine digits to the employees SSN setup. You can use four 0's plus the last five numbers of the SSN as well.  This is located under Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employee.

Go back to the EVV Visits page and double click on a single entry that did not send.
You can send all employee summary entries or wait for them to get picked up on next scheduled batch.  

Worker not found 


Employee Send Failed
Double click on the entry from the EVV Visits screen to see if it will send successfully.
If so, you can send all employee summary entries or wait for them to get picked up on next scheduled batch.

Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees: If the employee has credentials in their title,
delete credentials and save then try to send the entry from the EVV Visits screen by double clicking. 




Verify invalid characters are not used in the employee name; Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employee 

*Characters allowed: A-Z ‘ . – space

Error during retrieving service service_id entered 

Compare the job code HCPCS on the EVV Visit to what has been approved for the client. 

The service code must match what was approved from the state.


*Find the job code used on the EVV Visit.  Go to Codes > Rates > Job Codes, enter the program number and job code. 
Verify the HCPCS code matches the approved service code for the patient. 

ProcedureCodeFormat  Verify a valid job code is attached to the visit by previewing the note.

This can be due to no job code or visit code keyed in or a COVID call used.  

The call in cannot be greater than
the call out. 

Edit the visit to verify and correct the started and finished time.   
If CallType = Telephony (IVR), TelephonyPIN and OriginatingPhoneNumber will be required.  Go to the Referral > Start screen to add a valid phone number to the Home Phone field and save information. Go back to EVV Visits and double click the visit with Send Failed error. 

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Last Modified:Monday, November 06, 2023

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Type: INFO

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