EVV - Status of HHAeXchange and CareBridge Uploads

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EVV - Status of HHAeXchange and CareBridge Uploads

Checking the status of EVV Visits files sent to HHAeXchange or CareBridge. 

If a file transmitted shows a Status with ERROR, you can select the file to pull up a report that will give you a brief description of errors related to the visit. Error messages that show up on this report come direct from HHAeXchange or CareBridge.

You will want to fix any errors from the report before you attempt to re-send to HHAeXchange or CareBridge.

1. From Billing > HIPAA Transactions > HHAeXchange/CareBridge, go to the Status of HHAeXchange and CareBridge Uploads tab.
2. Select the file with the error status.
3. A report will appear with the errors listed. Optional to print. Click on Close. Below is a link that will direct you to a list of common errors with action for provider to take.
4. When viewing the file, Success means the visit was imported to HHAeXchange. This can be a clean visit ready for billing or it could be a held within HHAeXchange due to other prebilling issues. Log into your HHAX portal to verify visits are not being held.  

--> Use this link for details on correcting common HHAeXchange and CareBridge errors: Correcting Common Errors from HHAeXchange (Electronic Visits Verification, EVV, HHAeXchange, MCO) (barnestorm.biz)

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Last Modified:Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 1,416 times.
