EVV - Key Supervision Visits

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EVV - Key Supervision Visits

To utilize report 17.33 for tracking of when the next aide supervision is due, you must key in no-charge visit entries for the nurse supervision under the Employee Activity > Visit Entry screen. 

Key points on which codes to use:
• The employee doing the supervision must have a revenue code 0550 assigned to them under Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees.
• The visit status code used should have a description of Supervision.
• The visit status code should be marked as Chargeable No, Care Given and Real Visit Yes under Codes > Program Related Codes > Visit Stats Codes. 
• You should also have a job code setup with a description as Supervision. 

To add Supervision visits:
1. Go to Employee Activity > Visit Entry
2. Select the date of the supe visit
3. Add the employee and patient and select the correct payer
4. Add the supervision job code and visit status code
     You can use the description field to search by name, as needed
5. Add the visit time. 
6. Click on Save

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Last Modified:Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Last Modified By: christine@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 865 times.
