EVV - Adding User to Care Champ App

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EVV - Adding User to Care Champ App

Create a new Care Champ user
  • From Barnestorm Office go to Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees
  • Pull up the employee using their four-digit code or by name.
  • Be sure there are no special characters in the Last Name or First Name field; a hyphenated name is valid to use. Be sure NOT to include information like the aides credentials or office. 
  • Leave the Email Address field blank. If you have a personal or business email for the employee, list that in the Email Address 2 field.
  • Check the Care Champ box. If this box is already checked, that means the account has already been created.
  • (NEW) The Invite button will send a link via email and/or cell phone to the user with instructions on how to load and use the app. This should be done after all employee information has been entered.
  • The Care Champ Settings button will appear, click it.  Select any special rules that need to take place. You can review those rules below. 
  • Click on Save.
Note: At this time, a few checks will run to make sure the employee meets specific criteria for a Care Champ user: Cell Phone Number (include area code), Program, Job Code (with rev code 0570 or 0599 for CAP/PCS or 0550 for HH nurse assigned to it), Rev Code of 0570 or 0599 for CAP/PCS, Rev code 0550 for HH nurse, SSN.  You will receive a warning message if any fields need to be corrected. If you make corrections be sure to click on Save again.

If all requirements are met, a Barnestorm email address will automatically insert into the Email Address field.  This will be a combination of the first and last name, with a shortened or abbreviated agency name. This field will become locked so that you cannot change the email address. 

The Email Address will be the Care Champ users login, and the system will automatically generate a password, which can be found from the Reports section on the main menu. 

NOTE: Once you have activated a user, do not switch out the email address.

Synchronize Schedule
After the user has been setup for Care Champ, you’ll have access to the Sync Schedules button that appears under the Care Champ Settings button.  We recommend clicking this feature after the user has been setup to force any schedules already created, over to the Care Champ app.
When you select the Sync Schedule button, you’ll notice a green status bar that shows it is working.  Do not exit or switch employees until this bar disappears, indicating the sync is complete. 

Deactivate Care Champ User
When an employee has been terminated you can remove their login credentials.  This completely removes the login.  Before completing this step, be sure all visits have been synchronized into Office. It is ok if the visits are still pending or send failed to Sandata. 
  • From Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees, pull up the employee by their four-digit code or by name.  
  • If they are terminated, you’ll need to uncheck the Active Only box. 
  • Uncheck the Care Champ box and click on Save
  • Answer Yes to remove the user from Care Champ. It may take a minute for this to complete since it is removing visits from the app and then removing the user. The screen may appear locked down until this process finishes. 

Care Champ Settings
My Patients Only: When checked it will restrict the list of patients on the app to those assigned to the aide from the Referral > Employees tab. This works on the Schedule New Visit section and works when “Hide Schedule Create” below is not checked. 
Show Visit Timer: (RECOMMENDED CHECKED) This shows at the bottom of a started visit.  It is a running clock of how long the visit has been in session and also how much time is left out of the scheduled time. 
Show Patient Directions: This will show the directions listed on the Referral > Directions, into the app on the patient contact list. 
Hide Schedule Create: When checked it will not allow the app user to create a schedule/visit when one is not available. Use this one with caution as these will not be tied to the aide care plan for weekly reports. 
Location Lockdown: When checked it will require the app user to have their location service enabled and working and start/end the visit from the patient’s home (within a one mile radius).  If the user attempts to start away from the home they will get an error message and will not be able to start the visit. It is important to only use this if management has agreed to activate it. Note that Barnestorm will not be able to troubleshoot location service issues on the device itself.  
Lock User: This will not allow the user to log in using their login credentials.  When unchecked it will allow them to login. This will not remove the login credentials. 


Issue: The user cannot log into the app. No error message appears. 
Check: From Barnestorm Office go to Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees and pull up the employee with the issue. Verify the user is no locked under the 'Care Champ Settings'.  If so, uncheck the option, click on Save and then reload the Sync Schedules. 

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Last Modified:Monday, March 27, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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