Add / Edit / Terminate Employee / Reactivate Employee

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Add / Edit / Terminate Employee / Reactivate Employee

This article will cover how to add a new employee, edit their information as needed, terminate an exiting employee and reactivate a past employee.  The following is located in Barnestorm Office under Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees or from Referrals > Employees. 

Add a New Employee

1.    From the Employees screen click on Add a New Employee Code.

2.   (Optional) Enter the first one or two digits of the code you want to use (above the Add A New Employee button). Click on the button: Add A New Employee.

3.    Select an employee number from the list provided of available numbers or enter a four digit code that has not been used before. 

4.    Enter the employee’s Last and First Name, Date Hired, Program, Job Code, and Rev Code (in addition to billing purposes this will generate the initials after the name ie. Jill Smith, RN).

5.    Other required fields include: email address and SSN.  Barnestorm will add a temporary email/SSN if you do not have one to add at time of saving.

6.    Enter any other information needed, such as address, contact numbers, email etc. 

7.    Click on the Save button.

NOTE:  If you want to differentiate full-time employees, part-time employees or Contract Employees, the following:

FT - Add FT to Status field for Full-time employees

PT - Add PT to Status field for Part-time employees

** -  Add ** to Vendor # field for Contract employees.  For example:  ** or ** (with the vendor #).  We have several report options to exclude or include vendors. 

CT - Add "CT" to Status field to mark the employee as a payroll contract employee; they will be added to payroll reports. CT pays payroll by visit.

SA - Add SA to Status field for salaried employees.

Continue with the following steps if the employee will log into Barnestorm software: 

Create employee login using the steps from the Create Login article.

Modify the employees security setting using the Employee Security article. 

Edit an Existing Employee

You can search for an employee by searching for their last or first name, vendor number, or employee number.  You can also search for employees that are active or both active and terminated.

1.       If you know the employees four digit code, enter it in the Code box to the left of the screen. 

2.       If you don’t know the employee number you can do a search.  If you want to search for active employees only, leave the Active Only box checked.  If you want to search for both active and terminated employees, uncheck that box.

3.       Select the bullet that you want to search by: Last Name, First Name, Vendor #, Employee #.

4.       In the small box to the left, enter the search information (ex. Start to type out the employee last name).  A list of employees matching the criteria you have entered will appear. 

5.       Select the employee from the dropdown list. 

6.       Make the changes needed and click on Save.

Terminate an Employee

1.       Pull up the employee by entering their four digit code or by doing a search.

2.       Click inside of the Termination Reason field.  A list of reasons will appear to the left.  Enter an appropriate code or select the code from the left panel. 

3.       While the cursor is inside the Termination Reason field, press the Tab key to activate the reason and termination date. 

4.       At this point the Date Terminated will become active; enter the termination date. 

o   If you do not have any termination reasons assigned, go to Codes > Status Codes > Employee Termination Reasons

o   Add different termination types.

5.       Click the Save button

Note: You can also see the article for removing an employees login from Barnestorm Office or Point of Care.  Steps for removing logins for Care Champ are different and you should notify a Barnestorm staff for help.

Reactivate an Employee

1.       Pull up the employee by entering their four digit code or by doing a search.  You will need to uncheck the box "Active Only."

2.       Click inside of the Termination Reason field, and delete the code that is there.   Press Save.

3.       Exit and reenter the screen.  The employee is now reactivated

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Last Modified:Wednesday, November 06, 2024

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