EVV - Employee Forgets to Clock Out - In Progress

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EVV - Employee Forgets to Clock Out - In Progress

Best Practice for Care Champ: This will only work if the aide visits the patient within 48 hours of their previous incomplete visit. The aide will get a prompt at the bottom of their Care Champ screen letting them know the previously started visit was marked as completed. This step will happen automatically and the pop-up box will disappear. 

If it shows as completed on the app but not in office: Have the aide select the visit and then select Resend. That will send the visit back to you in the office and it will show on EVV Visits. It can take up to an hour to send during office hours. If it is after office hours, it will not send until the next day. Time to sync to the office could be delayed if the device has low cellular service. 

The process below can be used for telephony and Care Champ app. 

Manually End Visit 
Note that the Finish button will not become active until two days after the schedule/visit date. This is to allow 48 hours for the visit to sync with EVV compliance--clicking Complete before the visit is synced can lower compliance and accuracy levels.
When the employee forgets to clock out to end the visit, you can modify the visit as needed. 
1. On the EVV Visits screen find the visit and click on it.
2. The visit should show up as In Progress, Click the Finish button. This will mark the visit as complete. 
3. If you need to change the times you can Edit and fix the time and Update Visit. You will also need to edit any tasks not completed. If not, you’re done.

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Last Modified:Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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Article has been viewed 516 times.
