COVID Phone Call Screening

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COVID Phone Call Screening

When you call a patient prior to visiting to check whether they've been exposed to COVID since your last visit, you can document the phone call for pre-visit COVID screening. 

Places to document a call: 
Barnestorm Office > Visits/Assessments screen > COVID button at top 
Barnestorm Point of Care > Select Patient screen > COVID button in bottom left panel where patient visits show
Barnestorm Point of Care > Visits/Assessment screen > COVID button at top 

How to document a COVID phone screening:

  • Point of Care will allow you to select a starting time of the call.  The ending time will be the time you click on the Save button. 
  • Each question is required to save the call
  • If symptoms are present you will have a text box to type in details.  
  • If any of the three questions are answered Yes, a message will automatically be sent to the the case manager (first employee) and second employee listed on the Referral. The clinical supervisor can also receive a message if they are setup in the global setting (check with Barnestorm support on how to setup).
  • If any of the three questions are answered Yes, the patient's referral will be marked as "COVID Risk (on the Emergency Plan tab).  
  • After you save the information it will show up as a non chargeable visit labeled, "COVID Phone Contac". 

How to edit time: 

The time and date can be edit from Barnestorm Office > Visits/Assessments screen by unlocking and clicking on Edit. Also from Barnestorm Office > Admin > Fix Assessments. Note: if you unlock and lock the phone call, it will show up in que to generate a visit charge. You can delete the charge under Employee Activity > Visit Entry.  Point of Care, you can edit the time by selecting the COVID call and click on Edit COVID time.  

How to edit document content:
You will need to unlock the note from Barnestorm Office and delete it so that you can create a new one.

Additional information: 
  • When Barnestorm is maximized, the Select Patient screen will show Active COVID Risk patients in hot pink.  
  • The patient's schedule entry on the Schedule Calendar screen will highlight hot pink when the patient is marked as COVID Risk.
  • If the patient is found to no longer be a COVID risk, go to Referral > Patient Information > Emergency Plan and uncheck the COVID Risk box. Once the patient status on the Referral is changed they will no longer show up in pink. 

  • From Visits/Assessments screen, you can hide the COVID phone screening entries by checking the Skip COVID Calls box. 

  • Messages that are sent to employees include all questions answered.   

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Last Modified:Tuesday, September 22, 2020

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Type: INFO

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