COVID Status

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COVID Status

If the patient is found to be a COVID risk, go to Referral > Patient Information > Emergency Plan and check the COVID Risk box. Once the patient status on the Referral is changed to indicate COVID Risk: 
  • When Barnestorm is maximized, the Select Patient screen will show Active COVID Risk patients in hot pink.  
  • The patient's schedule entry on the Schedule Calendar screen will highlight hot pink when the patient is marked as COVID Risk.
  • In Point of Care, the My patients and My Schedule list will show COVID Risk patients in hot pink.

COVID Risk marks automatically when a patient phone screening is completed with answers that indicate exposure or possible symptoms. The COVID phone screen article is linked below.

NOTE:  If the patient is no longer a COVID risk, you will need to go back to the Referral > Patient Information > Emergency Plan and uncheck the COVID Risk box.  Save the referral to make the change.

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Last Modified:Monday, April 17, 2023

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