Different Options for Tracking Orders / 485s

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Different Options for Tracking Orders / 485s

Tracking Orders

The fastest way to see if any orders are outstanding is to go to the Mailings > Orders screen.The top section of the screen is a list of orders that have NOT been mailed to the physician yet.  The bottom of the screen will be orders that have not been returned signed by the physician.  You can order the list by patient or doctor for ease or reading the report.  After you have the list the way you want it, you can click on the Print List button, then click the printer icon to print the report.

If your agency manually tracks out the FYI orders then look at the top of the screen to find out if any FYI orders have not been marked as mailed yet.  Note that once they are marked as mailed they are automatically marked as returned as well. 

An optional place to track an individual order is by going to the Orders > Track Orders screen.  Enter the verbal order number and mark the date of the return at the bottom of the screen.  Then click on Save.


Tracking 485s

The same can be done for 485s from Mailings > 485s.

To track an individual 485 pull up the patient from the Select Patient screen and click on the 485 screen.  Select the episode and then click on the Edit (old) button.  Go to the last tab and enter the date returned.  When you exit click on Yes to save the changes.


Other Tracking Reports

If you want to select specific dates for orders not mailed or not returned, you can go to Reports > 485 > 01.19 485 and VOTracking.  There are different options to run the report.   If your agency uses the order screen to create the Face to Face order then you can select only Face to Face orders that have not been returned


Face to Face

Face to Face can be marked as received in one of two places; from the 485 screen after you can selected the episode or from the Referral> Dr Pharmacy screen (which will automatically mark the 485 screen). 


Which orders are holding up billing

If you want to focus directly on orders or documentation that is holding up claims from going out, you can run an EOE error list to focus on those orders only.   Go to Billing > PPS Billing > End of Episode Claims.  Select a payer from the middle section and wait while the computer searches through valid episodes.  If there are episodes that are ready or will be ready soon for billing but they have documentation issues, then an error list will appear.  Click on Print Details and then the printer icon to print that report.    

The report will tell you which episodes already have the RAP paid. You can look through those episodes first to get the EOE claim ready. 

Some reasons for hold may include:

  • 485 not returned
  • Orders not returned
  • Face to Face documentation missing
  • Assessments made from Point of Care not locked+charged

Clean up old orders not mailed or returned

Some agencies may have a lot of older orders not tracked.  My suggestion is to focus on older orders that are not returned yet.Print a report and go to each chart to see if they are actually in the chart already.  As you find them track those orders back in the system.    

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Last Modified:Monday, February 17, 2014

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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