Tracking Informational/FYI Orders

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Tracking Informational/FYI Orders

These orders are normally created for informational purposes only, and do not require a physician’s signature, but need to be documented and sent to the physician.


Your agency wants to create these FYI orders and not worry about marking it as mailed and returned (NOTE:  Only users with appropriate permissions should make this change.)

            a. Go to Codes > Security > Global Settings > Orders

            b. Choose 0612 - Mark FYI Orders as Mailed and Returned

            c. Select True and Exit screen

When you create the FYI order, Barnestorm will automatically mark the order as mailed and returned to match the date the order was created. The order will not appear on the mailing screen. 


If your agency would prefer to actually mark orders as mailed, go to the Global setting and mark False. 

             a. Go to Codes > Security > Global Settings > Orders

             b. Choose 0612 – Mark FYI Orders as Mailed and Returned

             c. Select False and Exit screen

When you create the FYI order, the order will appear in the mailing screen. Whatever the date you mark the order (as mailed, faxed), Barnestorm will automatically adjust the returned date to match the mailed/faxed date of the order. Therefore, the order will not appear at the bottom portion of the mailing screen.

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How To Create Informational (FYI) Orders

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Last Modified:Monday, June 17, 2024

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