Barnestorm Boost: Printing Orders

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Barnestorm Boost: Printing Orders

Your Current Processes:

  • Clinicians print orders

Benefits If You Change Your Process:

  • Immediate reduction in clinical time spent on paperwork
  • Less money spent on paper and ink due to duplicated printing

New Process Details:

We've found, through studies of our customers' best practices, that having clinicians print orders wastes time, paper, and ink. Instead, clerical staff should be trained to print the orders at the time of mailing; normally the person who mails the orders is the best person for this job.  

Each day, the order mailing technician should start the day by clicking the Recent Orders button on the first screen of Barnestorm Office. This will tell you: 

  • Which new orders have been written
  • Who wrote them
  • Which doctor

The most streamlined policy, both from the clinical and the billing perspective, is as follows:

  • Each clinician writing orders should have their signature captured in the system. If these signatures are not showing on orders, start a chat with Barnestorm so that we can turn on that function for you.
  • Clinicians should write orders as usual and Save as Pending Order. Please note that ALL repeatedly used orders should have a matching Barnestorm T-box items to ensure uniformity of order appearance and text, as well as for speed and efficiency for the clinician.
  • When they are sure the order is correct, they should Create Order from the pending order. They should NOT create the order if it is not ready or if it is incomplete; if that is the case, the order should remaining in the Pending area until they are ready to complete it. Clinicians have a button on the front screen of POC for My Pending Orders so they can see orders they need to complete. 
  • As long as the clinicians are using the process outlined above, all the orders that come in as Verbal Orders will be ready to send to the doctor.
  • The order mailing technician will use the mailings screen as usual, and will print the orders from that screen and mail them to the doctors.

Suggestion on how to start this process:

Clinician Training

  • Barnestorm can assist with this training as needed. 
  • Have each clinician check that their signature is captured in the system. 
  • Clinicians should write orders as usual and Save as Pending Order
  • They should NOT create the order if it is not ready or if it is incomplete; if that is the case, the order should remaining in the Pending area until they are ready to complete it. 
  • Clinicians have a button on the front screen of POC for My Pending Orders so they can see orders they need to complete--they should check this daily to ensure that they have completed all orders that are ready.
  • When they are sure the order is correct, they should Create Order from the pending order. 
  • Clinicians should be aware that the order preview they see is the indication that the order is ready to mail to the doctor, and that if there is a problem, they should correct it immediately so that it does not get mailed without the needed correction.
  • Helpful Tip:  Make sure that any orders that clinicians use over and over is pre-typed for them as a T-box item to save them time.
  • Helpful Tip: If you normally lots of small T-box items, you can create one large T-box item with all the regularly used options.  The clinician can simple delete any choices not needed. 
Order Mailing Technician Policy Changes

  • Make sure to check all incoming orders regularly.
  • Print and mail orders.
  • No change the mailing tracking process; the only change is printing the order before mailing.

Checks and Balances:

Make sure clinicians understand and implement training on using Pending Orders until the order is complete. 

Related Reports:

Front Page: Recent Orders and My Pending Orders

50.05 Pending Orders By Employee

01.19 485 and VO Tracking

Related How-To Articles:

Add/Change/Delete Pre-Typed Text

Fax Orders to Doctors Electronically:

Mail and Track Verbal Orders

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Last Modified:Tuesday, February 21, 2017

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