EVV - Late Clocking In

The EVV Visit screen has a new icon to mark visits as late when the scheduled employee has not started the visit yet. 


It will mark visits that are scheduled but haven't been started after a determined number of minutes.
For example, if a visit was scheduled for 8am and it's now 9am and the visit hasn't been started yet, that visit will be marked with the Late icon if the late settings are for 60 minutes.

The goal of the Late icon feature is to facilitate communication between office and field staff. 
For example, the office staff can call the aide to find out why they are late.

Each agency can decide if they want to enable this feature, and the number of minutes considered as starting late. 
By default, this feature is not turned on.
  • The scheduled starting time is the expected time to which the number of minutes late will be based on.
  • The user will not be denied permission for starting the visit in any way if they are late. 
  • This is simply a quick way to see scheduled visits that have not been started timely from Barnestorm Office. 
  • This will only work properly if your agency uses the schedule's starting and ending time to reflect the actual time to visit the patient. 
  • The late icon will disappear once the visit is marked as In-Progress or Completed.
Your Barnestorm administrator can contact us by emailing customersupport@barnestorm.com to get more details on how to turn this feature on--please provide the number of minutes you want to pass before the Late icon shows.  

TIP: After selecting a scheduled entry you will see their cell phone listed at the bottom of the screen.

Posted Thursday, July 28, 2022 by farrah@barnestorm.com