Rate Has Changed: How do I fix charge amount on visits already entered?

Update Job Code Rate

  • If the job code rate has already been update, skip to next section. 
  • Go to Codes > Rates > Job Codes
  • Pull up the Job Code
  • At the bottom, select Add a New Rate Date
  • Type in the effective date (important to select the correct starting date), along with the new rate amount
  • Press Save Job Code and Rate

Update Charges Already Entered 

RATE CHANGE EXAMPLE:  Today is 07/30/2020.  Our SN rate changed on 04/01/2020.  We’ve updated the rates in Codes>Rates>Job Codes today, but the claim is still showing the old amount.  How do we fix charges on visits that have already been entered?

  • Go to Billing>Other>Recalculate Visit Charges
  • On the left side of the screen, enter the from/thru date.  For example, if the effective date of the new rate was 04/01/2020 and you entered the rate change today, the from date would be 04/01/2020 and the through date would be the current days date to ensure all charges get corrected.
  • On the right side of the screen, enter the Program and Job Code that had the rate adjustment.
  • Optional: Select one chart number only. When you select the chart the from date defaults to the admit date.  Pay attention if you need to change these dates.
  • Click the ReCalculate Visit Charges button
  • Print the report as needed then click on Close.

Posted Wednesday, August 28, 2013 by linda@barnestorm.com