VA Attendance Roster

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VA Attendance Roster

Barnestorm EVV services include a VA roster report based on your EVV schedule.
To run the roster, use Reports 04.42 VA Roster

VA monthly rosters are due each month (for the month prior). 
Your agency roster is an accurate accounting of census, billing, customer satisfaction, and level of care. 
Attendance rosters should confirm veteran’s level of care and satisfaction with service. 
This report is required, and each enrolled Veteran should be accounted for. 

Per the VA, effective 10/1/2023 your agency will be cited for non-compliance and suspended for future referrals for a minimum of 30days if rosters are not received. Attendance Rosters must be received and completed. 

Here is how to run and use the attendance roster in Barnestorm: 

Go to Reports > search 04.42 or "roster" and the report will come up.
Select the previous month (example: your October report will be based on September dates).

The filter to make sure you're using VA may be a program number or, if not, use the Payer Description area below to make sure the VA payers (as listed in Barnestorm Payers) are all listed.

The report will show a preview, and when you close the preview, a spreadsheet (excel-format) of the same info will open.

This report compiles: 
  • VA Patient names
  • Patient SSN last 4
  • Scheduled Visits
  • Actual Visits
  • Care Plan Yes/No
  • Satisfied Yes/No
  • Last Supervisory Visit Date 
  • Comments
  • Payer Name (this helps you see if it's regular or respite)

IMPORTANT: in order for the last supervisory visit to show, you must be putting those into Barnestorm.
If it does not show, please check the following to see why:
  • Check to see if a supervisory visit was keyed into the system. EVV - Key Supervision Visits (EVV) ( This is the most common issue. If there has been no aide/LPN/PTA visit since the last supe, then the pt won't show up, since no future supe visit is needed.
  • If there is a visits keyed, take note of the employee who did the supe visit.  Go to Barnestorm Office > Other Basic Codes > Employees.  Pull that employee up and verify that they have a correct revenue code entered (0550-0559).  If not, this is likely the issue.  Enter an appropriate code and save the employee.  
  • Make sure the patient has an aide listed in Referral Employees.
  • Rerun the report to see if you have corrected the issues.  If not, double check the tips above.
  • Other troubleshooting tip: Check for any visit with zero hours and a charge amount. 

Be sure you check the spreadsheet for accuracy.
Be aware that respite & regular visits are listed separately.
You can make corrections to the spreadsheet as needed to ensure accuracy for patients across Respite and non-Respite.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, December 06, 2023

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