Enter Visit Charges

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Enter Visit Charges

From Barnestorm Office click on Employee Activity > Visit Entry

Use this screen to enter a chargeable/non chargeable visit. This is screen is used when the visit is not added using the clinical Point-of-Care software.

The information entered on this screen is what triggers the charge amount, units, HCPCS codes for the billing claim. 

The top portion of this screen allows you to enter visits and the bottom portion allows you to look up past visit entries. You can customize the Data Entry Settings to how you would like to enter the information.

  • Total allows you to enter a whole number
  • Time In/Out, Start/End, Odometer allows you to enter a starting and ending point
  • You also have the choice of N/A 

To enter a keyed visit:

*Note: The [Enter] key acts as the [Tab] key to help speed up data entry

  • Change the date to the visit date.
  • Enter the employee assigned to the visit by number or search for the name.
  • Enter the patient chart number or search for the name.
  • Select a Program/Payer from the drop-down list (this comes from the referral screen > Payers tab).
  • The employees job code automatically shows up - change this as needed to get the correct HCPCS code for billing.
  • Enter the visit status.
  • Enter the visit time, and if needed the travel time, and mileage as needed.  NOTE:  A visit of only 7 minutes or less will round down to 0 units, and that's not allowed for a chargeable visit. 
  • Click the Save button. The visit will appear at the bottom of the screen. 

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Last Modified:Monday, August 14, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 3,891 times.
