HHAeXchange EDI File Name

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HHAeXchange EDI File Name

If HHAeXchange support asks you for the EDI file name, you can find that in Barnestorm as follows:

Go to Billing->HIPAA Transactions->HHAXexchange/Carebridge screen.  
Select the Status of HHAeXchange and Carebridge Uploads tab.  
You may have to adjust the dates at the top to show the file.  
Select the file you sent.
The file name will be located at the very top of the report.  

See the sample image below, where the file name is outlined in red.
That is the name you need to send to HHAeXchange (everything outlined in red, including the .CSV).

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Last Modified:Monday, October 17, 2022

Last Modified By: christine@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 250 times.
