07.05 Fall Assessments

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07.05 Fall Assessments

This report pulls a list of patients who are at risk of falls, based on questions answered on the Fall Assess tab of the visit assessment.  There is also an option to display the Fall History/Post Fall information from Office/Point of Care. 

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Audit > 07.05 Fall Risk Assessments.

From/Thru = Enter your search dates; either picks up the assessment date or the Fall History date, depending on the report option (see options below). 

Program = You can enter a program number(s) or leave blank to select all.

How to Read the Report

A – All Fall Risk Assessments

B – Fall Risk Assessments – High Risk Only 

These two pull the same info except B only pulls patients identified as High Risk Fall.  Both options pull from the Point of Care > Visit/Assessment > Fall Assess screen. The From and Thru dates pull based on the visit assessment date. 

The first column will list the patient as H (High), M (Medium), L (Low) for risk of falls based on some of the testing done from the Visit/Assessment Fall Assess. MAHC-10 is scored at greater than 3 or TUG Along greater than 13.5; Manual greater than 14.5; Cognitive greater than 15.0 or Tinetti less than 19 or Berg less than 21.

See table below for legend details for report options A, B and C. 

C - Post Fall Assessments, Including Fall Risk Assessments

In addition to the information from report option A,B, option C will also include the Post Fall entries (Located in a Visit/Assessment).  The From and Thru dates will pull Post Fall entries located on the assessment and will also include all of the Fall Assess documented.  In order for the Post Fall entry to show up on the report the option "Fall Precautions Retaught This Visit" must be checked or a visit assessment must be dated the same day as the fall.  

D - Post Fall Statistics- Monthly - Report will display Post Fall Counts by month.

E - Post Fall Statistics- Quarterly - Report will display Post Fall Counts by quarter.

F - Fall History by Date (Newest to Oldest)  The From and Thru dates pull based on the date from the Fall History date of fall. 

     Date =  This date is the fall date documented on the Fall History or Post Fall screen.

     Fall Precautions Last Retaught = This date is the visit date the employee completed the reteaching of fall precautions on from Visits/Assessment > Post Fall.  This will show NOT RETAUGHT if the Fall Precautions have not been retaught. 

G – Patients With MoreThan One Fall  The From and Thru dates pull based on the date from the Fall History or Post Fall screen. This will pull patients that have had more than one fall during the time frame selected – you may want to select a slightly wider date range than usual. This report will include discharged patients. 

FallDate Documented By = This date is the fall date documented on the Fall History or Post Fall screen.  It also includes the employee who keyed the entry into Barnestorm. 

Legend/Column Name

Question Related

Visit Assessment > Fall Assess > MAHC-10

Ag (AgeScore)

Age of patient 65 or over

Di (Diseases)

Diagnosis (3 or more co-existing)

Hx (Hx Falls

Prior history of falls within 3 months

In (Incont)


Vi (Vision)

Visual Impairment

Fm (FuncMobility)

Impaired functional mobility

Hz (EnvHazards)

Environmental hazards

Pp (PolyPharm)

Poly pharmacy (4 or more prescriptions - any type)

Pn (Pain)

Pain affecting level of function

Cg (Cognitive)

Cognitive impairment

Tot (Total)

Total score of the MAHC-10 screening

Visit Assessment > Fall Assess > Timed Up and Go

TUG1 and TUG2

The number of seconds documented to perform the activity in Test #1 and Test #2. 

Score shows A (alone), C (cognitive), M (manual); plus the number of seconds documented to complete the test.

Visit Assessment > Fall Assess > Tinetti


Shows the Balance Score +  the Gait Score = Total Score.

Visit Assessment > Fall Assess > Berg


Shows the Total Score and if the patient is at Low, Med or High Risk

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Last Modified:Friday, August 09, 2019

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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