Color Code Scheduled Entries

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Color Code Scheduled Entries

We have a global setting that can allow you to setup and assign color coded scheduled entries to stand out when viewing the schedule

To complete initial setup

  • From Barnestorm Office go to Codes > Security > Global Settings and open category Employee Schedule.
  • Use the following format in setting 0431: list all colors first, then list a description to go with the color.  A caret (^) must be used to separate the color from the description.  A pipe (|) must be used to separate each individual color name and description.  Here is an example: Red|Green|Pink^Unscheduled RN|HCA|Wound
  • The first color name goes with the first description, second color name goes with the second description, etc.

How to use color coding on the Schedule screen

  • This can only be done from the Schedule Calendar > Day, Week, or Month view, it will not work from the Schedule Entry screen.
  • From the Schedule Calendar screen, right click on a schedule entry
  • Select one of the color coded options
  • The entry will change colors right away
  • If you changed an entry by mistake you can right click and change it to a different color or select the Clear Color option

Note: if your agency uses the schedule to start the assessment, the schedule entry will change to a light green color after the assessment has been started.

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Last Modified:Friday, September 29, 2023

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