OASIS Targets

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OASIS Targets

Barnestorm Office offers a way to track the OASIS outcomes for select questions.  This helps to satisfy the new 2018 CoP measurable portion of the care plan.  This feature can also be found on the Care Plans screen. 
  • Select a patient from the Select Patient screen, then click on the OASIS Targets tab.
  • Select the Update OASIS Targets button.
  • Select each OASIS item and pick a target range.
  • Click on Save OASIS Targets after each valid option is answered.
  • The top part of the screen will list each OASIS answered; first showing the target and then the answers to each OASIS document.
  • Select an OASIS item to view a graph at the bottom.  The OASIS description will appear at the bottom.
  • Note that there must be at least two numeric OASIS values in order to show a graph.
  • The green section of the graph is the target; the blue section is the answer from the OASIS document. 
Note that we will add a print option at a later date. 

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Last Modified:Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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