15.05 PPS A/R Summary By Month

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15.05 PPS A/R Summary By Month

This report will display postings to Accounts Receivable, by month, for Medicare/PPS Payers only. This report focuses on EOE claims only. 

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Billing > 15.05 PPS A/R Summary by Month.

  • From/Thru =  Enter the beginning and ending date for your search period.  This date represents the Dates of Service, not the posting date.
  • Program = You can enter a program #(s) or leave blank to select all. 
  • Filtering Option = Medicare Only; Non-Medicare Only; or Both.
  • Set Dates To Last Month = Clicking this tab will set the "From/Thru" section to the previous month.
  • A/R Transaction Cut Off Date = The current date will be defaulted here.  If you have a preferred cut-off date, enter that date.

How to Read the Report

  • Pg = Program Number.
  • Year/Mo= Billing Month.
  • Amount Billed =  Amount Billed for that Year/Month.
  • RAP Payments = RAP payments for that Year/Month.
  • RAP Reversed = RAP payments reversed for that Year/Month.
  • EOE Payments = EOE payments for that Year/Month.
  • LUPA Adj = LUPA adjustments for that Year/Month.
  • Therapy Adj = Therapy adjustments for that Year/Month.
  • Other Adj = Other adjustments for that Year/Month.
  • Unk Adj = Unknown adjustments for that Year/Month.
  • Balance Due = Balance due for that Year/Month.

TIP:  The payment/adjustment codes, for PPS, are listed under Accounts Receivable > Post Payments > Set up ERA Codes.  This is where you will find the codes for the columns listed above:  RAP Payments, EOE Payments, LUPA Adj and Therapy Adj.  The Other Adj. column will include any posted adjustments (other than LUPA and Therapy) that are listed on this screen.  Example:  407 (PPS Outlier Adjustment) amounts will be included under the Other Adj column of the report.  The Unk Adj is a combination of all the other codes, you may have created in the system for adjustments, that are NOT listed on this screen.  For example a code created for Write Offs, those amounts would be included in this section of the report.  

To verify the amounts on the report, you can use Report 05.11 Totals by Program/Pay/Adj Code or Report 05.12 Totals by Program/Payer/PayAdjCode.

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Last Modified:Monday, June 24, 2024

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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