05.12 Totals by Program Payer

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05.12 Totals by Program Payer

This report will break your amount billed and payments down by program/payer and then by payment/adjustment codes.  It will give you totals before the billing dates you select, during the billing dates and then any postings after the dates you select. Each program will have a total listed. Then a grand total will appear at the end of the list. 

Barnestorm Office > Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.12 Totals by Prog/Payer 


How to Run the Report

From / Thru = These are the transaction dates you want to include on the report.  This includes amount billed and payment/adjustments.  

Program(s) / Payer(s) = Filter report by entering program or payer numbers.  Or leave blank to select all.

Pay/Adj Code(s) =  If you only want to include select payment codes then you can enter the three digit code(s) here, separating them with a space.  Or leave blank to select all.

Year/Month From and Thru = These are the billing months you want to include. 

How to Read the Report

Pg = Program number.

Payer = Payer number and the description.

Payment/Adjustment Category = Shows the payment/adjustment code and description.

The rest of the columns will show you the totals based on the dates you selected.

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 23, 2016

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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