04.58 PPS Pts That Need a Discharge Date

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04.58 PPS Pts That Need a Discharge Date

This report displays all PPS patients that (may) need to be discharged.  This is determined if the patient is still marked as "active" but has not had a visit within the most recent certification period; or patient is still "active" with no visits after Thru date of most recent certification period.

How to Run the Report

From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Billing > 04.58 PPS Pts That Need a DC Date.

o Click Print the Report tab, at the top of screen.

How to Read the Report

ChartNum = Patient's chart number.

PatientName = Patient's name.

o Payer = The PPS payer listed in the referral.

PayPosition = The position/slot the PPS payer is listed in the referral.

AdmitDate= The admission date.

o Last Visit = Date of last billable visit.

o DaysSinceLastVisit = Number of days since the last visit.

LastCertThru = The last certification "through date."

TIP:  If patient should be discharged, indicate the discharge status, reason and date in the referral.  Once that is resolved, the patient will no longer appear on the report.  Click here on how to discharge a patient.

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Last Modified:Friday, March 10, 2017

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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