19.55 Hospice Contacts

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19.55 Hospice Contacts

How To Run The Report

From Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Hospice > 19.55 Hospice Contacts.  This report displays all Hospice contacts that have been keyed into your Barnestorm system via the Bereavement screen.  

How To Read The Report

o Chart Number = Number assigned to chart/referral.

o Contact Name = Name of contact.

o Relationship = Contact's relation to the patient.

o Birthdate = Birth date of contact.

o Sex = The sex of the contact.

o Home Phone = Contact's home phone number.

o Work Phone = Contact's work phone number.

o Cell Phone = Contact's cell phone number.

o Address, City, State, Zip code = Contact's address information.

o Health= Health issues (or whatever is recorded in that field.).

o Substance Abuse = Any recorded substance abuse.

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Last Modified:Thursday, October 27, 2022

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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