05.08 Selected Detail

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05.08 Selected Detail

This report will give you details about the Billing / Accounts Receivable for each patient.  When using the proper dates it will give you the amount billed and payments for each billing month or episode.

Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.08 Selected Detail

How to Run the Report

  • From / Thru = These are the transaction dates you want to include on the report (payments, write offs, ect).  If you are running the report for the current month be sure to go through the end of the month (ex, if the current month is March of 2017 make the thru date 3/31/17)
  • Program(s) / Payer(s) / Team(s) = Filter report by entering program, payer or  team numbers.  Or leave blank to select all.
  • Pay/Adj Code(s) =  If you only want to include select payment codes then you can enter the three digit code(s) here, separating them with a space.  Or leave blank to select all.  
  • Year/Month From and Thru = These are the billing months you want to include. 
  • Print comments = Will include any comments that were noted on the Post Payment screen in AR.
  • Exclude Zero Balance (Paid) Claims = Will exclude Paid Claims/Patients with zero balance.

If checked, each patient will print on a separate page.  If not checked, the page groups will be A-Z = If the box is checked, the pages will print by patient name, each on a separate page.  If box is not checked, the pages will be grouped A-Z.  Note:  For this option to appear on your screen, "Print by Patient's Name" will need to be selected as the Print Option.  

Print Options:

  • Print By Program/Payer/Patient's Name
  • Print by Patient's Name 

           - When Print by Patient's Name is selected you will also have an option to key in specific chart numbers 

  • Print by Transaction Date/Pay-Adj Code

How to Read the Report

  • Payer = Payer assigned to the patient.
  • Chart # =  Patient chart number.
  • Patient's Name = Patient last name, first name and middle initial.  
  • HIC Number = Patient Medicare number.
  • Year-Mo = Year and month of service.
  • Trans Date = Date of transaction.
  • Cod =  Transaction Code.
  • Transaction Description = Type/Name of transaction.  
  • Amount = Amount of transaction.

Tips:  If the Amount Billed does not show up; or the account shows a balance where it should be $0, check one of the following:  1) Check the dates used to make sure you covered the transaction dates.  2)  Check the AR Inquiry screen to see if the amount was posted.   

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Last Modified:Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 9,016 times.
