I Cannot Lock & Charge A Visit

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I Cannot Lock & Charge A Visit

1.       Verify the “Default Visit Import In Days” setting, for your agency.  For most agencies the visit has to be at least 5 days old before they will appear on the import screen.  This is based on your agencies global settings under Codes > Security > Global Settings > Visit Entry > 1501-Default Visit Import In DaysNOTE:  The appropriate member of your staff should verify this information and make any needed changes.

2.       Verify the "Load Visits Cut Off Date" setting, for your agency.  This date represents the earliest date that importing will begin.  This is based on your agencies global settings under Codes>Security>Global Settings>1502-Loads Visit Cut Off Date.  NOTE:  The appropriate member of your staff should verify this information and make any needed changes.

3.     Verify program and payer are correct on the assessment.

4.     Verify the Job Code, and Visit Status Code is valid.  Also, verify the Visit Status Code is a chargeable visit.

5.      This screen looks back 120 days for Locked visit.  Visits that are older than 120 days will not change.  If you unlocked an assessment that was older than 120 days and you need to mark it as locked and charged, try the following steps in this article:  Import Visit Charges: Load Assessments as Billing Charges

6.       Try unlocking, then relocking the visit and retry the import process.   TIP:  If you are only looking for one visit, enter that visit as the from/through date on the import screen.   Select View Visits.  If the visit shows, select Create Visit Charges.


*** If these tips do not solve your issue, please start a chat and one of our technicians will assist you.


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Last Modified:Monday, October 24, 2022

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 6,758 times.
