Import Visit Charges: Load Assessments as Billing Charges

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Import Visit Charges: Load Assessments as Billing Charges

What this feature does: This screen allows you to find locked visits that field staff have created in POC or via the EVV Visits and import them as chargeable visits that are ready for billing.

Where to find this feature: Barnestorm Office > Employee Activity > Import Visit Charges.  If you do not have this option, contact a Barnestorm support staff and they can help to activate this feature. 

How to use this feature - Basics 

  • From and Thru dates:  You can manually select the from and thru date of the visit dates you want to search for. 
  • Program(s): Key in program number(s) to filter the visits list or leave blank to select all.
  • **Note: If you are restricted to certain programs they will be filled in for you already.  To filter which programs to select: Click the Edit button, check the programs needed, click the Check the Program(s) Then Click Here button. Click on the View Visits button. BE SURE TO CLICK THE VIEW VISITS BUTTON IF YOU UPDATE THE PROGRAMS. Always verify the list before importing. Visits that cross over midnight will be split into two entries; one visit up to 11:59PM and the next will start at 12:00. This is to satisfy an HHAeXchange integration regulation. The EVV Visit will continue to show up as one assessment, but the visit charge will be split into two (reports will reflect accordingly.)
  • RoundingIt is important to select the Round .25 when importing EVV Visits.  
  • View Visits:  After your dates are selected, click the 'View Visits' button. Barnestorm will search for any visit assessments that are in the Locked status (Completed for EVV Visits) and has a time in dated between the From and Thru date you have selected.  This process will skip any assessments that have the status of incomplete and entries with invalid data.
  • Create Visit Charges: When ready, click the 'Create Visit Charges' button to mark all visits from the view as Locked+Chg (Charged for EVV Visit).  These visits will now show up as ready for billing out the claim. Printing the report is optional. 


Additional Features

Fix Missing Vst Codes: Update visits that have a missing visit status code. A report does not print for corrected visits.

Import Just One Chart#:  Check this box and key in the chart number or search for the patient's name. Click the View Visits after the patient is pulled up.

MCO Only: Check to only pull visits that will go through HHAeXchange.

Find Incomplete Visits: This button searches for assessments that have an invalid Chart#,Payer, Job code, Visit Status Code, or employee#.   If none are found, a message will appear “None Found” and it will now reload the import list.

**NOTE:  If you have visits that are not showing up on the import list, run this step.  The most common issue is there is no job code attached to the visit/assessment.

Force EVV Visits to Sched Hours Max: This may be turned on permanently using the global setting or it may be a pop-up question for Admin users. Visits highlighted in pink exceed the scheduled time for that EVV visit.  The Time In-Out column reflects the actual EVV Visit time.  The XTimeOut and SchHours columns reflect what will be used when the visit is imported into a chargeable entry. The EVV Visit is not modified so it can be sent exactly as the electronic verification was recorded.

Find Oldest UnPosted Visit:  If the oldest assessment that is marked as Locked is on or after the Load Assessments cutoff date (Global Setting 1502) AND if more then 365 days old, then the from date is set to that date, and the thru date is set to 300 days ago.  At this point a check box appears Mark Old Visits as Locked+Chg.

Mark Old Visits as Locked+Chg (only visible if there are assessments over 300 days old):  If this box is checked when you run the Create Visit Charges, then it marks the assessments as Locked+Chg but DOES NOT create charges in visit entry screen.  This allows them to mark the assessments that are now too old to bill as Locked+Chg but not generate any actual charges.

Print Detail List:  If you are not ready to import the visit charges that are pulled up, you can click on Print Detail List if you want to review the assessment list first.

Preview Note:  If you want to review the visit assessment you can click and highlight a visit and then click on this button.  You will see the visit assessment information pull up.  You can print the assessment as needed.   Click on close when you have finished reviewing the note. 

Edit Highlighted Visit:  If the clinician has entered an incorrect visit code or job code, you can edit the information by selecting the visit and clicking on this button.  This will bring up Edit Assessment / Visit Data box where you can change the incorrect codes before creating the charge.  IMPORTANT: you cannot change the time in or time out here, it MUST be changed on EVV visits first before you import.

UnLock Highlighted Visit:  If an assessment is not ready to be Locked+Chg then select to highlight the assessment and click on the UnLock Highlighted Visit button.  A message will appear asking if you want to unlock that visit. 

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Last Modified:Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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