Need To Remove Occurrence Code From Claim

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Need To Remove Occurrence Code From Claim

1.  Pull up the patient in Barnestorm Office

2.  Click the Referral tab from Main Menu

3.  Click Payers tab 

4.  Select the Payer 

5.  Click Extra Billing Info. tab.  Make sure the occurrence code is not listed on this screen.   If it is listed, either enter a Thru Date, or Delete the entry.

If occurrence codes are not listed in the referral, but still appear on the claim:

a.  From the Barnestorm Office main screen, click Codes tab

b.  Click Status Codes

c.   Click D/C Reasons

d.  Select the discharge reason in the right panel

e.  Remove the occurrence code

f.  Click Save

g.  Exit screen

h.  Recreate claim

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Last Modified:Friday, July 06, 2018

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