Billed Amount on Claim Doesn't Match A/R Amount Billed

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Billed Amount on Claim Doesn't Match A/R Amount Billed

This commonly happens when a visit/supply has been added or deleted, and the A/R has not been updated.

a.  From Barnestorm Office, go to Accounts Receivable tab.

b.  Select Post Charges to A/R

c.  At Month To Be Transferred, enter the month that shows the incorrect balance.

d.  At Transfer Just One Chart #, check the box and enter the Chart Number that shows the incorrect balance.


e.  Remove Any Previously Posted Amounts For:  If this button is selected, the system will remove any previously posted amounts for that month(for that chart).  You will receive apopup confirming that you want to delete those previously posted amounts.  Select Yes or No to proceed.  NOTE:This popup will only appear AFTER you choose your option during the nextstep.

f.  Create and View Charges OR Create and Transfer Charges:

Option 1:  Selecting (1) Create and View Charges button

First,you will click the (1) Create and View Charges button.  A report of charges to be created will generate.  Next, you will need to click the (2) Transfer Created Charges to A/R button to transfer those charges.  A duplicate report will appear from the Create and View Charges step.  We recommend using Step 1 and 2 Separate, if you would like to review the charges before posting them.

Option 2:  Selecting the (2) Create and Transfer Charges button will create and post the charges all in one click of the button.  Remove Any Previously Posted Amounts For: If this button is selected, the system will remove any previously posted amounts for that month (for that chart).  You will receive a popup confirming that you want to delete those previously posted amounts.  Select Yes or No to proceed.  NOTE:  This popup will only appear after choosing Option 1 or Option 2.

This will update A/R, for that patient.

NOTE:  To track/monitor your accounts to make sure the Billed Amount matches your AR amounts, go to Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.17 Compare A/R To Charges.

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Last Modified:Thursday, August 30, 2018

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