Global Settings - POC

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Global Settings - POC

Barnestorm Office > Codes > Security > Global Settings > POC
Here are the global settings under the POC category, and on the right, a description of what the settings mean.  (For a full listing of your agency's settings, go to Codes Program Related Codes > Program Codes.  Click Print Global Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.)





Allow field staff to LOCK their own OASIS     

True = Allows field staff to LOCK their own OASIS
False= Field staff not allowed to LOCK their own OASIS


Allow field staff to UNLOCK and Rebuild their own OASIS if it has not been exported. 

True = Allows field staff to Unlock and Rebuild their own OASIS, if it has not been exported.
False= Field staff not allowed to Unlock and Rebuild their own OASIS.


Allow field staff to Build their own OASIS        

True = Field staff allowed to build their own OASIS
False = Field staff not allowed to build their own OASIS



Allow field staff to change the visit time in/out

True = Field staff allowed to change visit in/out time
False= Field staff not allowed to change visit in/out time

0704 When 0705 is false, allow field staff to change the visit start time in 15 increments
True = (and 0705 is false) POC users and change time in and our by 15 min increments.
False = Does not allow users to modify time in and out
0705 Totally lock down the date pickers for Assessment start and end times. Times will be determined at the time of pressing the Start and Finish button. 
True = Time in and out goes based on the machines time when they click on the Start and End button. 
False = Does not activate this option. 


 Use military time for the assessment time in/out

True = Military time will be used for assessment in/out time
False = Standard time will be used for assessment in/out time


Show Finish screen Job Code selections for all PPS payers

True = Shows these codes on the Finish screen for the user to select before locking the note.
False = Codes will not appear on the Finish screen


Default values for vital signs

Enter those default values


The default value for the comment section in new assessments.  Give the 4 digit number of an Include Text item. 

The default value for the comment section in new assessments.  Give the 4-digit number of an Include Text Item




Remove Office Nurse Notified section from the finish screen and the print. 

True = The notified section will not show up at all.
False = A place to document a notification to office RN will appear and print on assessment. 


Changes the text ‘Patient/Caregiver Response to Counseling’ to ‘Patient/Caregiver Response to Visit’

True = Change the text

False = Do not change the text


Use the standard neuro screen for everyone, including Hospice

True = Use the standard neuro screen

False = Do not use the standard neuro screen

0713 Use the Home Health Pain screen for Hospice assessments. 
True = Use the home health pain screen.
False = Do not use the home health pain screen. 

0714 The functional screen is required for SN's on all assessments and optional for all other disciplines when True.   


List of employee#s allowed to change the patient’s doctor during an assessment

This global setting applies to POC>Pt Contact Info screen.  Only the employee (4-digit code) or employees listed here will be able to change doctor on this screen.  Use the 4-digit employee number(s) separated by commas, or ALL, or leave blank for NONE.

0716 Mandatory Visit Status Code for Assessments with descriptions that contains DEVIATION or CANCELLED or MISSED.

Leave blank to ignore or
Enter the three digit visit code to force on the assessment when one of those Assessment Types are used. 
0719 Assessment type to exclude the care plan screen See article for details, here
0720 Show M1000 and M1005 (Inpatient facility history) on printed note. True = Shows the M1000 and M005 answer on the printed assessment

False = Hides the M1000 and M1005 answer on the printed assessment 
0721 Show Facility History on printed note.
True = Shows the facility history on Start of Care and Resumption of care assessments.

False = Does not show the facility history on any assessments. 
0722 Show Immunizations on printed note. True = Shows current and past immunization record on visit note.

False = Does not show any immunization record on note. 
0723 Show Functional on printed note for PT True = Shows documentation on printed note for PT.

False = Does not show documentation on printed note. 
0724 Name to replace the title 'Misc Notes' in POC menu and print preview.  If you wish to use a different title other than 'Misc Notes', type the name in this setting field. 
0725 Use lobes instead of quadrants on Respiratory/Auscultation screen
True = Use lobes instead of quadrants on Respiratory/Auscultation screen.
False = Use quadrants on Respiratory/Auscultation screen 

0726 Require the Interventions tab on Respiratory to be required on... A = all assessments; O = OASIS assessments only; N = No assessments 


Show PT Assessment Screens on SN Start of Care Assessment

True = Show PT Assessment Screens on SN SOC Assessment

False = Do not show PT Assessment Screens on SN SOC Assessment


Use the alternate version of the misc notes screen

True = Use alternate misc notes screen 
False= Do not use alternate misc notes screen

0732 When False, Vital signs items are NOT required for therapy visits. 


Hide unchecked items on RN Supervision Screen

True = Hide unchecked items on RN Supervision screen
False= Do not hide unchecked items on RN Supervision screen


Use the newest version of the Review Meds screen

True = Use newest version of the Review Meds screen
 = Do not use newest version of the Review Meds screen


The maximum number of meds that can be marked as Verified

Enter the maximum number of meds that can be marked as Verified


Copy Wound Measurements from the most recent visit

True = Copy wound measurements from the most recent visit
False = Do not copy wound measurements from the most recent visit


Days allowed between wound measurements

Enter the days allowed between wound measurements


Copy most recent wound order for the selected wound to comments

True = Copies wound comments forward to next assessment

False = Does not copy wound comments forward


On the fall risk assessment section, if the risk is greater than 4, print unanswered items

True = Print the unanswered items
False= Do not print the unanswered items



Show Care Plans completed within the assessment on the printout

True = Show care plans
False= Do not show care plans


PT Training is required on all PT visits

True = PT Training is required

False = PT Training is not required


PT Treatment is required on all PT visits

True = PT Treatment is required

False = PT Treatment is not required


OT Exercise is required on all OT visits

True = OT Exercises required

False = OT Exercises not required


OT Analysis is required on all OT visits

True = OT Analysis is required

False = OT Analysis is not required


OT ROM is required on all OT visits

True = OT ROM is required

False = OT ROM is not required


OT Goal Progress is required on all OT visits

True = OT Goal Progress is required

False = OT Goal Progress is not required


OT Supervision is required on all OT visits

True = OT Supervision is required

False = OT Supervision is not required


ADLs is required on all OT visits

True = ADLs required

False = ADLs not required


Teaching is required on all OT visits

True = Teaching is required

False = Teaching is not required


Load PT exercises from the previous visit

True = PT exercises will be loaded from previous visit
False = PT exercises will not be loaded from previous visit


Use a grid to print PT ROM and strength

True = Use grid to print PT ROM and strength
False = Do not use grid to print PT ROM and strength


PT Modalities is required on all PT visits. 

True = Force the PT Modalities screen to show up under Required screens. 
False = Force the PT Modalities screen to show up under Optional screens. 


PT Analysis is required on all PT visits.    

True = Force the PT Analysis screen to show up under Required screens. 
False = Force the PT Analysis screen to show up under Optional screens. 


For any AssessForms menu items that contain a 'PT', replace with 'ST' and add to menu. 

True = Use the same PT screens for ST.
False = Do not use the same PT screens for ST. 

0756 Run the OASIS compare after building the OASIS in POC. True = This will automatically make the OASIS compare screen pop up after creating the OASIS.

False = This still allows you to view the OASIS compare, but you will need to click on the OASIS Compare button. 


Show employee signature at the bottom of the assessment

True = Show employee signature at the bottom of the assessment
False= Do not show employee signature at the bottom of the assessment


Show patient signature at the bottom of the assessment

True = Show patient signature at the bottom of the assessment
False= Do not show patient signature at the bottom of the assessment

0772 Hide employee signature if they were terminated on or before the start time of the assessment.  True - Will hide the employee signature on printed assessments on and after their termination date.

False - Will always show the employee signature on all assessments. 


When a note is locked, create a CCN cc.'d to each of the patient's employees

True = Create a CCN copy to each of patient's employees, when note is locked
False= Do not create a CCN copy to each of patient's employees, when note is locked


Show the pillbox schedule on the print of the note.

True – The pill box schedule will print on the note.

False – The pill box schedule will not print on the note.

0781 Use 'Aide Note' as header on Aide Supervision notes.  True = POC > Assessment, when using Aide Supe screen show 'Aide Note' as the header on the preview.

False = POC > > Assessment, when using Aide Supe screen show 'Aide Supervision' as the header on preview.  
0784 Show GG0170C questions and M1900 on ADL screen for non-OASIS assessment types.  True = Shows the GG0170C/M1900 questions to be answered and shows on print/preview.

False = Hides the GG0170C/M1900 questions on the ADL screen. 


Auto sync

True = Auto sync
False = No automatic sync


Auto sync schedule. First 2 digits indicate how often to run auto in minutes.  To run on startup add an 'S,' and to run on exit add an 'E,' eg '45SE.'

Set auto sync schedule. 


Use assessment frameworks

True = Use assessment frameworks
False = Do not use assessment frameworks


 Diabetes ICD codes makes endocrine and cardio required.                      

True = Forces Endocrine and Cardio screen under the Required section of assessment
False = Endocrine and Cardio will show up on Required or Optional depending on the Assess Forms screen


Check the 'print on this note' checkboxes in Pt Medical Hx screen in note when True.

True = Defaults the checkbox to be checked
False = User will manually check the box as needed 


When true, check for a prn order with a visits date greater than or equal to the time in of the visit

True = Will prevent a visit from being created if PRN order is not dated on or before assessment date
False = Does not look for a PRN order


When a wound type is changed, it updates the type of all previous entries for that wound (old wound screen only).

True = When you change a wound type for a selected wound number, it will change the wound type for that wounds entire history.
False = When you change a wound type for a selected wound number, it will change the type ONLY for the assessment you are in.


Use the new wound assess screen

True = Use new screen

False = Do not use new screen



Print 485 Box 15 Safety on SOC Assessments

True = Print 485 Box 15 Safety

False = Do not print 485 Box 15 Safety


Hides M0090 from the print on SOC Assessments

True = The M0090 date no longer shows up on Start of Care assessment print/preview

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Last Modified:Wednesday, March 04, 2020

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