Global Setting 0719 Excluding Care Plans

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Global Setting 0719 Excluding Care Plans

Global Setting > POC > 0719 will allow you to exclude the Home Health Care Plan from showing up on select discipline/assessment type visits in Point of Care.  This is especially useful for those who use the function to not allow assessments to be locked until all required screens have been documented. This setting should only be modified by your office/clinical administrator. 

The discipline format at which the order will flow is in the following: SN|PT|OT|ST|MSW|HHA

You will replace the discipline abbreviation with the assessment type code that should be excluded from the note. Separate multiple codes within a discipline with a comma.  Separate the disciplines with a pipe ( | )   A list of common codes are listed below.  Some agencies have special codes setup and may be different. You can locate your codes from Codes > POC Codes > Note Codes > Filter Page is Visit.  The Value is the Assessment Type code.  

Here's an example of what one might look like:  12,13,25|11|OT|ST|MSW|HHA
This example shows that the SN will not include the care plan on the bid Visit, tid Visit or the prn Visit. The PT will exclude it from the Schedule Visit. 

01 = Start of Care
03 = Resumption of Care
04 = Recertification
05 = Special Follow Up
09 = Discharge
11 = Scheduled Visit
12 = bid Visit
13 = tid Visit
25 = prn Visit
28 = Start IV
29 = Stop IV 

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Last Modified:Thursday, March 05, 2020

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