EOE Payment Not Showing Under My Edit PPS Episodes Screen

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EOE Payment Not Showing Under My Edit PPS Episodes Screen

EOE Payment Not Showing Under Edit PPS Episodes Screen

In order for the PPS Tracking to update properly, you must post those nonMedicare PPS payments/adjustments in a certain way.

You will need to use the nonMedicare payment codes that your agency has set up.  Go to:

a.  Accounts Receivable tab

b.  Post Payments tab

c.  Set up ERA codes tab

**The codes at the bottom of this screen are what you will need to use to post those nonMedicare payments.

If you did not use those codes to post your payments, you will need to delete those entries and reenter using the codes at the bottom of this screen.  Otherwise, the PPS Tracking and related reports will not be accurate.

After you have deleted, and reentered the postings with the correct codes, Go to:

a.  Accounts Receivable tab

b.  Post payments tab

c.  Select Update PPS Tracking from Payments

d.  Update PPS Tracking

e.  Create A/R Adjustments

f.   Post to A/R

If your agency has not setup nonMedicare payment and adjustment codes, here’s a link to an article on how to establish those codes:  http://kb.barnestorm.biz/KnowledgebaseArticle50503.aspx?


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Last Modified:Monday, June 24, 2024

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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Article has been viewed 10,570 times.
