06.09 Patient Census Counts

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06.09 Patient Census Counts

Reports > Agency Data > 06.09 Patient Census Counts

The last seven columns on the report are:

Start = Patients active on the start date

o Admit = Total number of admissions

Disch = Total number of discharges

End = Patients active on the thru date

UnDup = Unduplicated number of patients

ReAd1 = Number of patients re-admitted

Re-Ad2= Number of re-admissions

Filtering options:

By Program = Sort report by program

o By Payer = Sort report by payer

o By County = Sort report by county

o By Team = Sort report by Team

o Admits Only = Include admissions only

Age as of Today or their D/C Date = patient's age as of current date or d/c date

PPS Payers Only = Include patient counts with PPS payer only

Non-PPS Payers Only = Include patient counts with Non-PPS payers only

All Payers = Include all patient counts

If you are running the report by program or payer or county, and there's a difference, that means there are patients with a missing program or payer or county code.  Run the following report to figure out which patients have missing data: Reports > Referrals > 01.08 Referral Counts, run by Payer and/or County.  A report with missing program/payer/county should appear. 

Also, run Reports > Audit > 07.01 Verify Admit and DC Dates to verify there are chargeable visits on admit patients admit dates.  Conflict with this information will throw the admit numbers off. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 06, 2024

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 2,252 times.
