06.09 Patient Census Counts

Reports > Agency Data > 06.09 Patient Census Counts

The last seven columns on the report are:

Start = Patients active on the start date

o Admit = Total number of admissions

Disch = Total number of discharges

End = Patients active on the thru date

UnDup = Unduplicated number of patients

ReAd1 = Number of patients re-admitted

Re-Ad2= Number of re-admissions

Filtering options:

By Program = Sort report by program

o By Payer = Sort report by payer

o By County = Sort report by county

o By Team = Sort report by Team

o Admits Only = Include admissions only

Age as of Today or their D/C Date = patient's age as of current date or d/c date

PPS Payers Only = Include patient counts with PPS payer only

Non-PPS Payers Only = Include patient counts with Non-PPS payers only

All Payers = Include all patient counts

If you are running the report by program or payer or county, and there's a difference, that means there are patients with a missing program or payer or county code.  Run the following report to figure out which patients have missing data: Reports > Referrals > 01.08 Referral Counts, run by Payer and/or County.  A report with missing program/payer/county should appear. 

Also, run Reports > Audit > 07.01 Verify Admit and DC Dates to verify there are chargeable visits on admit patients admit dates.  Conflict with this information will throw the admit numbers off. 

Posted Friday, April 27, 2012 by farrah@barnestorm.com