Add / Discharge / Delete Employees to Patient Referral

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Add / Discharge / Delete Employees to Patient Referral

Add New Employees

  1. Click the Referral button from the main menu. The Referral window will open.
  2. Click the Employees tab on the top.
  3. On the employees tab, you add in which employees are assigned to the patient.  The case manager should always be first on the list. You can fill in an employee by name or by code if you know the employee code.
  4. Each time an employee is added, the name goes to the end of the list.  Use the arrow buttons labeled Move Up to move employees to the appropriate place.
  5. There's a maximum of 50 employees allowed on the list. 
Discharge Employee
  1. Check the D/C checkbox for the discharged employee.
  2. Then, complete the Discharge Date as the date employee was discharged.

Delete an Employee
If an employee was added by mistake, click the X box to the left of their name.

Features related to using this screen: 

  • Patients will appear in the My Patient list for POC users if their names are listed here.  
  • You can also run active patient reports by employee using Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail. 
  • Report 01.11 Employee Involvement is another report linked to the employees listed on the Referral. 

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Last Modified:Wednesday, December 08, 2021

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