Deactivate a Job Code

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Deactivate a Job Code

If there are job codes that you no longer want to be used to key in visits or create visits in POC, you may deactivate them.   Keep in mind that you may not delete job codes that have been used for visits or billing purposes.  But, deactivating prevents their further use in the POC system.

a.      In Barnestorm Office, go to Codes>Rates>Job Codes

b.      Pull up the job code you wish to deactivate.

c.       In the Description, add these letters:  DNU

For example, if the Job Code description was “Skilled Nursing”, it would now be “Skilled Nursing DNU”.

d.      Hit Save Job Code and Rate tab

e.      Do a Sync in POC to get the change.

Now when you reenter Visit/Assessment screen in POC, that job code will no longer show up as an option.


If you want to REACTIVATE a job code, you will need to do the following:

a.    In Barnestorm Office, go to Codes>Rates>Job Codes

b.    Pull up the job code you wish to reactivate.

c.    In the Description, remove these letters:  DNU

d.    Hit Save Job Code and Rate tab

e.    Do a Sync in POC to get the change

 Now when you reenter Visit/Assessment screen in POC, that job code will be available as an option.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, April 20, 2022

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