06.01 Activity Summary (Flash Report)

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06.01 Activity Summary (Flash Report)

This report will allow you to pick a time frame to review stats and compare them to previous time frames.  From Barnestorm Office > Reports > Agency Data > 06.01 Flash Report #1. Note: when you export to Excel, the data is rounded and does not show decimal.  You can modify the column cell format to include decimals after the spreadsheet generates. 

How to Run the Report

This report will allow you to pick a time frame to review stats and compare them to previous time frames.  From Barnestorm Office > Reports > Agency Data > 06.01 Flash Report #1.

o   From = Starts the report with that date in the first column.

o   5 weeks =Starting with the From date, shows the different stats for five weeks of data. 

o   Week/Month-to-date/Year-to-date= Starting with the From date, shows a week of data; the month of the From date; the beginning of the year up to the month of the From date; the previous years month of the From date; the previous years beginning of the year to the month of the From date.

o   5 Months = Starting with the month of the From date, shows five months of data.

o   Month/Previous Month/Year = Starting with the From date, shows the full month of data; the previous months data; the beginning of that year up to the month of the From data; the previous years month; the previous years beginning of the year up to the month of the From date.

How to Read the Report

First Section (PPS related payers will only reflect patients whose episodes at least had the RAP created):

o   Admission counts for Medicare,Medicaid, CAP, Other

o   Number of Medicare/PPS Recerts,Discharges, Episodes

o   Average HHRG amount of episodes not billed yet
o   Medicare / PPS Episodes earned includes only PPS payers

Second / Third Section (Payer setup info can be found under Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes).  *Note: if you do not have Medicare or Medicaid then you will see extra lines, count that as a “section” so that the rest of this article makes sense:

o   Number of chargeable visits done by discipline for Medicare/PPS and Medicaid.

o   Visits that have payers with PPS marked as Y are included with the Medicare/PPS.

o   Visits that have payers with PPS marked as N and Stat class as C are included with Medicaid.

o   Visits that have payers with PPS marked as N and Stat class as D or E are included with CAP/PCS.

o   All other payers will be included in the fourth section for Totals.

Fourth Section:

o   Shows total chargeable visits per discipline.  This number includes ALL chargeable visits, not just the numbers from Medicare/PPS and Medicaid from the second and third section.

Fifth Section:

o   This shows average numbers for PPS payers (ie. Average number of days to send RAP / EOE).

o   Average days to RAP is calculated based on the start date of the episode to the date the RAP is created. Report 14.05 shows this info in more detail, per patient.

o   All episodes have to wait until the first visit during those days is locked+chg; SOC episodes are easy, because the first visit is always on day 1; recert episodes can take quite a bit longer. Report 03.54 shows how long it takes each clinician to complete and lock each visit.

o   Under PDGM, there will be twice as many recert episodes, so the average days to RAP will be longer than it was before PDGM.

o   These averages are based on the RAP date and EOE date during the time frame selected. 
o   When average days to RAP is high, first investigate the clinical side of the equation, because the time it takes to complete and lock SOC & ROC visits is normally the issue. Report 03.54 shows how long it takes each clinician to complete and lock each visit.

Sixth Section:

o   Medicare/PPS Hours include all chargeable visits for payers with PPS marked as Y. 

o   Total Hours is all payer chargeable hours.


My PPS Admission/Recert numbers are not adding up to our admit report.  This may be that the RAP for those patients have not been created yet.  After the RAP is created the numbers will update on the Flash Report. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, May 21, 2020

Last Modified By: christine@barnestorm.com


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