Number of Days to Complete an Assessment

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Number of Days to Complete an Assessment

Reports > Employees > 03.54 Days to Complete Assess

This is a great audit report to see when the assessments are being entered into the system and how long it takes to be locked. Note that this report will pull all assessment status, not just the ones marked as Locked. 

How to Run the Report

Beginning Date / Ending Date = The date range of visit assessment dates to pull

Employee(s) = Add the four digit employee number to select or leave blank for all. Separate multiple employees with a space or comma. 

How to Read the Report

The report is in order by employees last name, patient last name, then the visit date.

VstDate = The assessment date.

DtAdded = This is the actual date and time the visit was started.

LastDtModified = This is the date and time the assessment was last modified.  This will include when the assessment was marked as Locked (from an Office or POC user).

VisitStatus = Show status Incomplete, Completed, Locked or Locked+Chg.

Days = The number of days between the VstDate and LastDtModified dates.

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Last Modified:Thursday, May 14, 2020

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