Add a New Assessment Type

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Add a New Assessment Type

From Barnestorm Office > Codes > POC Codes > Note Codes.  

  • At Filter Page, use the dropdown to select Visit or VisitHos (Hospice).
  • At Name, make sure Type is selected.   View the screen, make sure the new assessment type has not already been entered.  If not, select Add New Code (A new screen will appear).  
  • At Page, use the dropdown to select Visit or VisitHos (Hospice).  
  • At Name, use the dropdown to select Type.  
  • Click on the Add New Code button. 
  • In the Text field, enter the name of the new assessment type.  
  • Click Save and Return or Save and Continue if you wish to add more codes. 
  • The next time the visiting staff completes a Sync they will have the new assessment type.

*Note:  Avoid using Value codes 01-10; those are reserved for OASIS type assessments.  

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Last Modified:Wednesday, March 25, 2020

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