Print Care Coordination Reports

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Print Care Coordination Reports

You can print a CCN report from the Care Coordination screen > Print CCN Reports tab or from Reports > Misc > 21.12 Care Coord Reports

  • Select the From and Thru dates = Date of the Care Coordination Note 
  • Select Print All Patients, Print All Employees, or Print Complete Text (you can select all three if needed). If Print All Patients is unchecked then only the patient currently selected will show on the report. If Print All Employees is unchecked then only the currently logged in employee will show on the report.
  • All But [Exclude] will ignore the dates and print ALL notes, excluding the topics with [exclude] in the description, with the filters you have applied.  
  • You can print the status of All CCNs, Open CCNs, or Closed CCNs (Finished)
  • When you click on the Select From/To or Select Topic(s) button a list of all names used in the that field will appear. To print a report on select Topics or From/To click on the name(s).
  • Report Seq allows you to select how you want the report to be ordered by. Report Seq #1 is the first way it will be order, followed by Seq #2 and #3.
  • Click on Print Report after all selections have been made.

You can use a combination of the above options to create the report you need.

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Last Modified:Monday, June 17, 2024

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