17.35 Print Expiring Authorizations

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17.35 Print Expiring Authorizations

This report will pull up expiring authorizations for the date range you select.  EX:  To view all auths expiring during the month of March 2024, you would use the From Date:  03/01/24 and Thru Date:  03/31/2024. Use a larger date range in case some charts have been missed. 

Pull up any patient from the Select Patient screen.  From Barnestorm Office > Patient Histories > Authorization, click on 17.35 Expiring Auth tab; or go to the Referrals > Authorizations.  

How To Run the Report

  • From / Thru = The range of dates that the authorization expires on.
  • Programs / Payers / Teams = Filter report by entering program, payer,team numbers.  Or leave blank to select all.
  • Check "Include Do Not Renew Authorizations" checkbox, if you choose to include those on this report.
  • Select the Print By Sequence you want to run the report in:  Print By Patient Name, Print by Expiration Date, Print By Payer/Pt Name, or Print By Payer/Date.
  • Click on Print

How to Read the Report

  • Payer = The program/payer number and payer name.
  • Chart = The chart number assigned to the patient.
  • Patient's Name = The patient's name.  
  • Tm = Team number.
  • AidePlan = Aide Care Plan Thru date. 
  • * = If Aide Care Plan and Authorization dates do not match then an asterisk will appear. 
  • Last Visit = The date of last chargeable visit during the authorization period.
  • Expires = Date the authorization expires.
  • Visits = For Home Health the number of discipline visits for the auth period printing. 
  • Expires = The thru date you selected when you setup the authorizations.
  • Hours/Visits = Shows the number of hours per week, month or year that was setup for that patient or the number of visits and the discipline authorized.
  • Authorization# = Pulls the authorization number from Authorizations screen. 
  • Case Manager = Shows the first employee listed from Referral > Employee tab.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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