Assign POC Screens to Disciplines

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Assign POC Screens to Disciplines

You can select which screens each discipline can view in the Point of Care Visit Note as well as which screen are required per assessment type. From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Codes > POC Codes > Assess Forms.

  • As needed, from the top of the screen select if you want Home Health or Hospice. This will only be an option if your agency has both. 
  • Select the screen you wish to change. You’ll see three columns, the middle column is where you’ll select the screen, ie. Pain screen. You can select the Screen Name header to rearrange them in alphabetical order. 
  • Then check the box for each discipline that should have access to that screen.
  • Select the Assessment Type(s) you want the screen to appear on from the list to the right - labeled Assessment Types.  
  • Click on Save.

*Note: The first time you change a screen all disciplines may be selected. So if you want to add a screen to a discipline that is currently not able to see it you’ll need to deselect then select that discipline.

To remove a screen from ALL visits for ALL disciplines, put DELETE.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, March 25, 2020

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