Add a HIPAA Payer

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Add a HIPAA Payer

After the HIPAA Payer information has been added to Barnestorm > Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes...

1. Click the Billing button from the Main Menu.

2. Click the HIPAA Transactions item at the top left of the screen.

3. Select Edit HIPAA Payers.

4. From the list on the left side of the screen, select the program/payer that is most like the one you want to set up, and click on it.

5. Change the numbers listed for Program and Payer to the listing you wish to add.

6. Change the SenderId and ReceiverId to the name of the insurance company that you are adding.

7. Change the Claims Suffix to 2 letters to help identify a batch by its name.

8. When all settings look right, click the Save button near the top middle of the screen. A message will appear at the bottom, indicating that the new HIPAA payer has been saved.

9. Click Exit in the upper right.

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Last Modified:Thursday, February 05, 2009

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