Add a Medication for a Patient

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Add a Medication for a Patient

  • Select a patient on the first Barnestorm screen by typing in either the patient’s chart number or the first 3 letters of their last or first name.
  • From Barnestorm Office click the Patient Histories button from the Main Menu. A menu will pop up right underneath that, and from there you will select Medicine HistoryFrom Barnestorm POC you will click on Med History. 
  • Click the New button from left panel.
  • The Add / Edit Medicine Code window will pop up, allowing you to enter a medicine and the related information.
  • Enter the medicine by typing a few letters of the medicine into the Medicine box and you will get a list of all medicines that contain those letters.
  • Select the medicine you want by clicking on it.
  • Next, enter the Effective Date to indicate when the medication has or will start.
  • Office users will need to change the employee to the appropriate ordering staff member. 
  • By default, the primary physician is filled in, but you may change the doctor, as needed.
  • Type in a Dose / Frequency / Route. You must type this information—the medication cannot be saved without it.

  • Optional: Type in what the medication is treating in the Treatment area.
  • Optional: Under Schedule, click button(s) as needed to indicate when the patient should take this medication.
  • Click the Save and Exit or Save, then prepare for another medicine button. The window will close or refresh the screen for another new medicine entry.
  • The panel will display the list of medicines for that patient.
You can also use the Medication Builder to enter medication information.  This can help ensure that each required section of the medication is entered. 
  • When you click on New Medicine, New Dose/Freq/Router or Edit Entry, check the box “Show/Hide Med Builder”.  
  • Enter and select the required dose, freq and route information.

  • All other boxes are optional.
  • There’s an option to translate the abbreviations to words or to make all letters uppercase.  
  • Click on Build Dose/Freq/Rte button. 
  • An error message will appear if any required boxes were left out.
  • The information will show up in a Dose/Freq/Route format. 
  • Save the medication when finished.  

Note: If your agency wants the Medication Builder screen to show up as default each time, someone with a high security level can go into Codes > Security > Global Settings > Patient Histories.  Make the On Med History, Required the Dose/Freq/Route Builder Panel equal True.  This will change the default for all Barnestorm users.

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Last Modified:Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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